Hondo uses his magic to celebrate yours!

It's all about your purpose and your people

The Amazing Hondo is like no other business speaker you have seen or will see. The magic lies in his mix. A master of audience engagement, this platform presenter is a unique blend: Magician. Mentalist. Motivator. Educator. Infotainer. Humorist. Improv Artist. Team Player.

Above all, Hondo is a master at working your message into his magic, always with a good clear eye on your audience - aware of their value to you. When you entrust Hondo to address your people, rest assured you are in good hands. A time-tested talent on the professional speaking circuit, this former high school mathematics professor always does his homework on your behalf. He immerses himself into your culture, your mission and values. He studies your audience in advance, speaks their language from the stage, and involves them extensively in his presentation. Hondo is a brand ambassador, representing you in the brightest of lights, advancing your agenda and reinforcing your valued relationships.

In a nutshell, Hondo uses "his magic" to champion "your magic"

So what's YOUR magic?